Self-Regulating Freeze Protection Cables For North America

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ComplianceStandards CSA 130, UL 515, IEEE 515.1
Cost-effectiveControlled and self-regulating type provides heat when required, resulting in optimal heat utilization and save on energy cost.
ReliabilityA uniquely designed hot to cold junction makes the termination robust.

RoHS, REACH & UV Resistant.

FlexibilityHighly flexible and easy to install, does not require any special tools.
DIYSTF with clear instruction manuals makes it user-friendly.
Dimensions0.44 inch x 0.255 inch (11.2 mm x 6.5 mm)
Custom-builtWe also offer custom designs of a product to suit individual requirements. We can design for various dimensions, heat loads and voltages.


Standard Wattage
3W/ft, 5W/ft, 8W/ft, 10W/ft, 120V-240V
Maximum Wattage10W/ft, 240V
Standard Cold lead length50 ft

#Thermopads reserves the right to modify the specifications in line with future improvements, updated standards or updated certifications.

STF Power Output Characteristics:


Circuit Breaker Selection and Maximum Circuit Lengths

W/ftSwitch-on temperature  °F (°C)10A15A20A30A40A10A15A20A30A40A
350 (10)225337337337337450673673673673
0 (-18)168252290290290335505580580580
-20 (-29)160240285285285320480560560560
550 (10)143214266266266285429532532532
0 (-18)102153204225225203305408450450
-20 (-29)91137183215215182275365430430
850 (10)101152203225225203304405450450
0 (-18)73110147192192147221295385385
-20 (-29)6699133182182132198266365365
1050 (10)78118157207207155235313414414
0 (-18)5785114171171114170227342342
-20 (-29)5278104157167105157209314330


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